4th Avenue Bridge Leaders Wall
1998 / Restoration 2008
4th Avenue and the Midtown Greenway, Minneapolis, MN
Commissioned by:
The City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places and the Department of Public Works
50 life-size bronze portraits
The Artwork consists of 50 life-size portraits of community leaders from Philips and Central Neighborhood in South Minneapolis. The artwork is located on the bridge abutment of the 4th Ave Bridge and adjacent to the Midtown Greenway. People from the two communities were selected for commemoration because of the positive impact they had on the neighborhood. The faces were sculpted in clay in two-hour sittings at the artist’s studio. Faces of the deceased were sculpted from photographs. Originally cast in concrete the portraits were dedicated in1998. The City of Minneapolis, Art in Public Places commissioned the recasting of the faces into bronze in 2008.